The IFLA scholarship 2017

Fagforbundet has established a scholarship for the IFLA WLIC. Shop stewards working in libraries can apply for the scholarship and join the union’s delegation to WLIC. The scholarship covers the participation fee, and travel and subsistence expences for one or two persons.

This year there are two “scholar ship-winners”:

Hege Kristine Myhrebakken and Inger-Marit Østby. Hege Kristine and Inger-Marit work at Østre Toten Public Library, and are newcomers as shop stewards in Fagforbundet as well as library employees.

At the IFLA WLIC they hope to be more familiar with Fagforbundets Library policy and get inspired by participants from all over the world. They want to bring good ideas back to their home Library.

As a part of Fagforbundets delegation they will join the Poster Session, and be a part of our daily professional discussions.

Inger-Marit Østby and Hege Kristine Myhrebakken