
  IFLA WLIC 2017, 19th – 25th of August 2017, Wroclaw Hege Kristine Myhrebakken and Inger-Marit Østby Recievers of this year’s travelling scholarship from the Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees   This year two librarians from an average sized municipality in Norway were given the opportunity to participate on the World Library and … Read more…

Posters present the world of libraries

I recommend people at the IFLA WLIC to take a look at all the posters beeing presented. If you want to speak to the presenters of the posters you must be there on Mondays and Tuesdays between 12 and 14. If you want to read the information on the posters it can be a good … Read more…

Poster Session

Fagforbundet is presented at the Poster Session among 187 other posters. During the poster session there is a lot of people passing by, and some of them stop at our poster and ask questions about a trade unions purpose. It is really fun to explain the nordic model, and the Norwegian way of cooperate with … Read more…

The IFLA scholarship 2017

Fagforbundet has established a scholarship for the IFLA WLIC. Shop stewards working in libraries can apply for the scholarship and join the union’s delegation to WLIC. The scholarship covers the participation fee, and travel and subsistence expences for one or two persons. This year there are two “scholar ship-winners”: Hege Kristine Myhrebakken and Inger-Marit Østby. Hege … Read more…

IFLA 2017

We are now preparing for IFLA 2017 which takes Place i Wroclaw, Poland. Our poster has been accepted and will be shaped before we go for our summer holiday. Our main task by taking part in the Poster Session is to inform about the relation between libraries and unions.